Koine Greek Geek

This blog is for those who are interested in Koine (Biblical) Greek, currently studying Koine Greek; as well as those who have questions about Koine Greek. Debates and commenting are encouraged, but inappropriate comments/replies will be deleted by the blog publisher. Readers are encouraged to check my book and website posts constantly for updates.


"Oyarsa" for those who don't know, is the name of an archangel (or "god" with a little 'g') in C. S. Lewis's Space Trilogy. I liked the character, so I stole the name. Who am I? I am a library science student in Illinois who has a variety of interests--too many to list! I have worked in libraries for five years and counting.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Lesson #1: The Greek Alphabet

This is a table I snagged from iBiblio. The table gives the Greek letters, their names, equivalent English letters, and tips for pronouncing those letters which are pronounced differently from the equivalent English letters.

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